On-demand, full stack development
Specialized in creating thoughtfully designed, high-performance web applications and APIs, with a focus on Tailwind, Alpine, Laravel and Livewire (TALL).
public function up(): void
Schema::create( 'your_next_projects', function (Blueprint $table) {
Robust backend applications.
Secure, scalable and versatile applications, specially developed to handle demanding users and complex workflows.
Connecting things together.
Fast, reliable and secure APIs that can handle a lot of traffic.
Speed is top priority.
Speed equals conversion. Your application or website is optimized for maximum speed.
Building for the future, with the future.
Development with proven frameworks and technologies to provide you with the best solution.
Recent visual projects.
A small selection of visual projects that have been created recently.
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class="isolate overflow-x-auto hide-scroll-bar flex pt-6 pb-12 snap-x snap-mandatory min-w-0"
I'd like to hear from you
Do you have a question or need help with a website or web application? Whether you're starting from scratch, want to refine what you already have, or need help with a complex problem, Sander is happy to assist you.
Fill out the form and I will contact you as soon as possible.
Questions? Answers!
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